Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Then there were three...

We are few today.

I felt compelled to document that fact.

Lori threatened to take my camera away.

So I took a picture of myself.

Yeah. Vacation is just around the corner.

This seems like a good time to announce my (insanely ambitious and possibly quite stupid) goal for this next year. Well, one of them. Are you ready?

I want to take at least one awesome photo every day in 2012.

It's daunting, I know. I am daunted by the prospect of this. I don't know if I'll succeed. I don't know if I'll even remember come January 1. But I'm going to try. And if I only have 30-40 awesome photos by next December, that's okay. That's 30-40 more than I had before.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should remember this photo next December and take a picture of yourself just like it.
