Friday, September 18, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 14-18, 2020

Language of the Week: Haitian Creole

Groups : 1-4

Status: (Mostly) ready to be published next week

As far as work goes, this has been a fairly productive week. I made it through four groups of Haitian Creole in the midst of various meetings and Zoom fatigue and phone calls asking random computer questions. 

Personally, the week has been rough. I'm dealing with anxiety and medication issues and loneliness and all the other fun stuff that comes with COVID and an uncooperative body. 

So we push forward. Life goes on and all that. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement, and I would encourage you to spend less time online (missing out on my keen wit notwithstanding) and more time meditating on God's glory and grace. I'm endeavoring to do the same. 


1 comment:

  1. Praying that next week is not rough. And that I actually see you before Friday afternoon and we have a real conversation.
