Anyway, next week I will be attending the CLA conference in Orlando! Woohoo!
(Okay, it's probably not that exciting. It's for work, so I won't exactly get to enjoy much of the scenery, but still...)
CLA stands for Christian Leadership Alliance. I don't actually know what they do, but this conference is for non-profit organizations to come and learn about new strategies and marketing and social media and a whole ton of other stuff. I'm really excited about this, actually, because I've been on the fringes of email marketing and social media, and I want to learn more. It's quite fascinating stuff. Also, this is my first real business trip. It reminds me of the days when my dream was to be a lawyer/librarian.
Yeah, it's weird for me, too.
But we're getting away from the point. Upon realizing that this trip was a week away, I also realized that I needed business cards to be all networky (my word, I'm stuck in my snarky teen years! that'll make an impression), so I asked Foster to print some up. Then we had one of our impromptu department meetings.
(It usually starts when Susan starts yelling for Lori, or Lori starts yelling at Susan for giving her more work, which usually draws me in because I want to know what the fuss is about, then I start laughing, then Foster comes to see what could have possibly made me laugh, and that's usually where it ends unless Ben or Jason are passing by. We eventually settle somewhat and discuss - loudly - what brought us all there in the first place.)
(Is that not how everyone else does it?)
Anyway, we were discussing QR codes. You know, those odd looking squares that remind of you bar codes, and until you bought a smartphone, didn't really care about. Except now, a significant portion of the department has a smartphone, so we're more aware of them. So I started playing around with my QR reader on my iPhone and realized that I could actually create one. So I did one for the blog. And I started to think about the conference and my business cards and had a brainstorm.
Why not put the QR code on my business card?
So I did.

Fancy shmancy, eh?
Except here's my problem. I'm going to give out all of these cards to people I don't know. Those people are (presumably) going to be so impressed by my QR code that they rush to visit my blog. And when they get here, they are going to see words like 'networky' and that's probably not a great first impression.
I really don't know. I'm not the best with impressions.
I really need to do more with this thing.
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