Friday, June 22, 2018

The Weekly Wrap-Up: June 18-22, 2018

So I'm actually writing this from the front desk of OMS today. I usually work on this off and on from my desk downstairs, but they needed someone to cover reception for a couple of hours, so here I am. It's been fairly quiet, and I write that knowing that I'm probably about to get fifty calls in a row now. Tempting fate and all that jazz.

I finished another group of Hakha Chin this week, including the booklet I affectionately refer to as "The One Where We Commit Murder." No joke, the booklet is a narrative, and in the course of things, we actually kill the evangelist. I can still remember the first time I read it, thinking, Is this really going where I think it's going? Oh. Wow. Yep. Dead guy.

Not that we show the dead guy. But it was a little more frank about things than we usually are. Fact is, missionaries die sometimes. It's not pretty. There are the ones you hear about because their story was especially dramatic or inspiring. But there are a bunch more who you will never know about until you get to heaven. People who labored in Africa or darkest Peru and got malaria after six months or got bit by some weird animal - I sound like I'm playing Oregon Trail now. Point is, I was impressed that we actually went there in this booklet, but it still catches me off guard every time I work on it.

The other booklets were much less traumatic, unless you count their formatting, but how many times can I really complain about how we didn't allow enough white space for translation? I'm bored, you're bored, so let's just assume that's always the case with every booklet and move on.

I'm thinking about my next letter and what I'm going to write. It'll have to wait until after conference, but I don't want it to be just about conference. I need to address my funding needs, and I'm trying to find a way to do it that isn't pleasehelpI'msuperpoor.

Although true, I'd like to present the many benefits of supporting a missionary. To that end, I'm asking for your help. As a supporter of said missionary, what are the benefits you experience? Are there any? Am I doing a terrible job of imparting these benefits to you? What can I do better? I'm very interested in your answers.

And if you can spare a few extra dollars over the next few months, it would be greatly appreciated. I've had several unexpected medical expenses on top of expected ones, plus my laptop died and needs to be replaced, and I had to decline several car repairs because I don't have the funds for upkeep. As always, prayers are also needed.

Okay, so I can't actually say there have been fifty calls. But there have been about a dozen, which is odd for Friday afternoon, and I should probably pay attention to my duties.

Bon chance, mes amis!

Oh! Pic of the week!

Look at these beautiful people! We all matched one day (sort of) and just had to take a photo. Aren't we precious?

Okay, I'm really done now. 

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