Friday, February 7, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: February 3-7, 2020

Have you guys seen "The Chosen" yet? If you haven't, you're probably asking what that is.

I will tell you.

"The Chosen" is the first multi-season crowd-funded television show about the life of Jesus (that is not actually on network or cable TV). You can currently watch it by downloading an app (same title as the show) and streaming each episode. I think it's a fantastic interpretation of life in the first century AD. It's very biblical, and I think it's helpful to see the people we talk about all the time as just that - real people.

This, of course, has nothing to do with work, but it's been on my brain this week. And they need more investors so they can do a second season. So, you know...

Okay, on to work stuff. I've made it through 2.5 groups of Mizo Chin. The publishing is going well, minus the part where the footer was in Portuguese for some reason. That's why I always take a second look at booklets before they get published.

It was another week with lots of meetings. Mostly important ones, so that's something at least. But we also had a really cool chapel service on Wednesday. We heard the testimony of a man who was killed during a terrorist attack in Asia and was miraculously brought back to life. It was a truly incredible story. I love these reminders of how God is still working and watching out for his children.

Next week, I need to bang out a prayer letter. There's lots to tell, as always, but for some reason, it's always a struggle to write it out. You can bet I'll be spending significant time this weekend praying about what to include and how. Any suggestions you have would not be unwelcome, though.

Hey, on the subject of prayer, you can be praying for my production team. There's a lot of stuff going on right now, and especially because we are so widespread and live in so many different areas, there are plenty of things that can threaten health and safety. So without going into too much detail, pray for the basics - family, weather, politics. Thanks!

As for me, I will see you next week.


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