Friday, May 15, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: May 11-15, 2020

My brain is a little bit like molasses today, so bear with me.

We were wondering if more people would be in the office this week, but I think everyone is so used to working from home now that they don't want to deal with people again. Or they are still being conscientious. Who knows?

Anyway, it's still just me and Sarah in the ECC hallway. We're still plugging away, though we are on separate projects now, so we might go an entire morning without actually talking to each other.

So, projects: I'm trying to go through some of our backlogs to weed out stuff we no longer need. I save everything, and very little of it is actually ever needed again. So I figured this is a good time to get rid of it. I also finished the two new booklets in Mizo Chin, which was not easy, because a lot of it looked like this:

Lots of text right on top of each other. It's a bit of a headache.

I'm also trying to figure out how to assist with Orientation via video. For the moment, that means spending a lot of time in Microsoft Paint. I haven't used that in years, but it is serving my purposes currently. I'm trying to find something that will record animation or a drawing, so if you have ideas, let me know.

I've been ruminating on our current situation a bit, and I've had some thoughts. First, I now hate the phrase "these uncertain times." It's become a euphemism for COVID and anything that makes people uncomfortable to talk about, and I want to strangle everyone who says it and remind them that we have always been living in uncertain times.

Second, I believe the more appropriate phrase would be "now that our assumptions can no longer be made..." Because even though we couldn't be certain of things, we still made assumptions. I'm not certain I have milk for that recipe, but I assume I can make a quick trip to the store to get some. I'm not certain I can see my parents this weekend, but I assume the following weekend will be fine. I assumed I would be able to go to the mall when I needed a new outfit. I assumed I could go to Hobby Lobby for new Spring decorations. I assumed that leaving my apartment would never be grounds for possible arrest.

We made a lot of assumptions about life on this planet, and a lot of them have been challenged. I could live with uncertainty - it's the thing I'm most certain of. But to have my most basic gut reactions suddenly brought into question is really messing with my brain. And now, I feel like I'm in this weird limbo. Things are opening up, but maybe not, and you can go some places, but it's probably better to wait, though we have no idea how long that will be, and maybe you should just stick to your bunker until everything is all better. We assume it will be, someday, but in these uncertain times, who really knows?

Umm... sorry for ending on a downer?


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