Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Not Really a Post

As the title says, this isn't really a post, just a comment. If you'll notice on the right, there are a number of links to various websites where you can find me or things related to me. Judging by the number of sites listed, it's amazing I have any time to do anything else but update people on my life. That being said, please forgive me if posts are a) redundant, or b) sometimes delayed. I promise, if anything interesting happens, you'll be the first to know.

Nao, lovely to hear from you. We really should hang out sometime.

RE: My First Trip

I don't know. Global Ministries requires 100% funding before a missionary can begin her assignment. I'm currently at 18%. As for a timeline, I hope to get started before October.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I titled this 'Commencement' not because I have reached the summit of my educational career (I have not yet begun to fight!), but because this is the beginning of what I hope will be a beautiful friendship. In this, my inaugural post, I hope to give you an idea of who I am and what I will be doing. 

My name is Jessica Hollopeter. I am the daughter of Jason and Donna Hollopeter. My father is a pastor in Corunna, Indiana, and my mother is the Associate Director of Global Ministries in Huntington, Indiana. I was born in Toledo, Ohio and moved to Huntington when I was eight. I accepted Christ when I was four, and fully committed to Him the summer before eighth grade. 

Last October, I was accepted as a Sojourn Missionary by Global Ministries, in partnership with OMS International. My position is Missionary Journalist. I will travel to GM and OMS fields in more than 40 countries four to six times a year, for six weeks at a time, interviewing missionaries and nationals about the work God has been doing through them. 

This is an incredible opportunity. One of my professors once asked me what I would do if I had a magic wand. I told him I would read, write and travel. Turns out, I get to do all three for the Kingdom (I'll read on the plane), which just makes it that much greater. 

That's the bare bones about me and my job. I'll update this as often as I can with information on what I'm working on and how support is going. Thanks for reading!