Friday, July 28, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 26-28, 2023

Yes, it was a three-day work week. As discussed last week, Sarah and I spoke at New Hope UB in Huntington on Monday. It was a great experience! I saw lots of fun people and got to talk about Train & Multiply in some detail. As a bonus, I had family in town, so they were also able to attend. Then on Tuesday, I drove them to the Indy airport, so that was fun. 

On Wednesday, we started out with a recognition and retirement chapel. Retirement is something of a misnomer because it is very rare that missionaries just stop missionarying altogether. The rest of the day, I proofread the next Global Impact Report, which may be hitting your mailboxes soon, depending on your level of subscription to OMS mailings. 

The rest of the week has been spent doing more Tamil books. I discovered today that the back page had been layered twice, so when I changed the copyright to 2023, it would show up as a 2 and a 3. That might not make any sense, but it was driving me nuts since I couldn't figure out why it looked weird. Sometimes the computer does dumb things, and I'm not always sure if it's me who has been dumb or if it's the computer. Anyway, I was pretty proud of myself for figuring that out even after my brain has fried from the heat this week. 

There will be no wrap-up next week as I will once again be in the northlands. Once that is over, I should be settled back in Greenwood for a while. 

Have a great weekend, everyone. Bye!

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 17-21, 2023

Tamil is well on its way to being published! I've made it through three groups this week, and I'm pretty pleased with them so far. 

We had a medical emergency that I witnessed on Tuesday. One of our retirees fell and broke her hip in the lobby. I'm officially on the insurance form for the building as a witness. It's not how any of us envisioned our day going, I'm sure. The retiree had surgery, so please pray that everything heals well with minimal pain.

That was actually kind of the theme for the week. Unexpected events. I'm sure I'll elaborate more in the future, but I'm struggling a bit. I received news this week that wasn't at all what I wanted to hear. I'm working on sorting out the repercussions, but I could use some extra prayer as well. It just means my emotions are a little closer to the surface than I usually like them to be, so I apologize in advance for the snark. I cover my vulnerability with sharp, pointy things. Like a hedgehog. Or a porcupine. 

Anyway, next week Sarah and I will be speaking at my parent's home church, so if you're in Huntington, you'll find us at New Hope UB around 2 on Monday afternoon. If you want to hear more, I'd be happy to meet one-on-one as well.

Have a great weekend. Bye!

Friday, July 14, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 10-14, 2023


Look, I just straight up forgot last week. It was nagging me; I kept thinking there was something I forgot to do. But then I would think of something and think that was it. Apparently, there was a lot I forgot last week. I blame it on having an extra day off and watching dogs that woke me up at 3am. 

But I'm here now! And I have actually accomplished things this week!

So, English C is done. It has been published, and hopefully to the point that I won't have to touch it again for a while. I took a quick break to write my next prayer letter, and now I'm back to publishing Tamil. I'm feeling very productive. 

I've been thinking a lot about all of the changes at OMS lately. I know it's kind of a cliche to say that change is the only constant, but that's a bit how this year has felt. I'm sure I will continue ruminating on these changes since I'm not sure how I really feel about things. Nothing to fret about, really, but you can pray for my sanity. 

Also, I'm doing some traveling in the next few months, so if I don't post, that's why. I'll try to keep everyone up to date, though. 

That's all I got. Bye!