Friday, October 26, 2018

The Weekly Wrap-Up: October 22-26, 2018

Believe it or not, I actually meant to do one of these last week. I actually had things to write about. And then, like all good intentions, they went sadly by the wayside.

But we're here now. So let's do this!

My language project for the last couple of weeks has been Portuguese. Four groups of it, to be exact. And it had to be perfect because as soon as these groups are done, they are being published. Woohoo! But, naturally, I encountered issues.

This time, it had to do with the booklet titles. Because when you have 64 booklets on related topics, why wouldn't you refer to other booklets within your material? You would. We believe in our stuff! You should read more of it! But one problem of translating the booklets in groups is that you sometimes can't remember exactly how you translated a booklet title before. Or you didn't quite understand the nuance of it. (For example: we have a booklet in English called "Church Planting Guide." In the initial Portuguese translation, it came out something like "A Guide for Church Planters." But it's more of a how and less of a who. So now it's "A Guide for Planting Churches." Subtle. But it makes a difference.) We tried to reduce redundant tags as much as possible. But there's no way to catch all of them. I probably spent a full week cross-referencing paragraphs and booklet titles and the Student Activity Guide, which lists all booklet titles at least twice, sometimes as many as five. I want this to be a good product, and I don't want there to be any confusion. Can we catch everything? No.

But I can try.

In the midst of Portuguese and making funding calls and meeting with people, we're also planning the ECC Retreat. That has been a trip and a half. All of the questions you can think of: where, when, who, what, why (because we need to rest is not a good enough answer, apparently), and how. Where and when turned out to be fairly simple, although we got something of a late start (you really need to get the venue in at least a year out). Who is ever changing - do we invite the wider world of ECC? Because that's a lot of people. Just office staff? What about our remote people who often call in for meetings? And do we want a speaker? Someone else to do music? It's supposed to be restful, after all. What - that is a minefield, along with how. You need activities that will appeal to the largest common denominator, and let me tell you, we are a very diverse field.

We're getting there, though. I am confident that it will be a beneficial time for everyone.

I think that's about it. I'm hopeful that this will again be a regular occurrence. I'm still struggling with life in general, but it's getting better in dribs and drabs. (That's a weird phrase. Dribs and drabs. What does it mean? Why dribs and not drips? This is going to bother me.)

Right. Going now.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Is that an update I spy?

Sarah just told me that I could write about the random piece of candy that has been sitting on my desk for who knows how long and it would still be interesting.

I'm questioning her sanity.

But I'm also taking it as a subtle hint that I should actually update this thing once in a while.

So here goes.

Last time, I wrote about spiritual warfare. That's definitely still a thing. Sometimes, I feel like every day is a struggle. But there are also good days. Days where I feel productive and like what I do makes a difference. So there's that.

A lot has happened since then. I spent two days in Vancouver, Washington, learning how to support raise the right way. While there, I also saw my good friend Addie. She is a blessing, and while I'm sad that she is all the way on the other side of the country, I'm also happy that we got to hang out. Plus, she's an excellent excuse to go gallivanting.

I've been working on my funding since I got back. It's a slow process, especially considering I'm still doing all my usual jobs. But I'm slowly finding a balance. It's all stuff that has to be done, and I'm decent under pressure. God either wants me here or he doesn't, so I'm going to keep doing my job and see where the road takes me.

This means a lot of travel, of course. I have found every back road and holler on the way from Greenwood to Huntington and beyond. I've battled major road closures and minor fender benders. (Not mine, thank the Lord.) I feel like I'm in the slow lane. But progress is being made.

I also spent a few days in Toledo at a women's conference. It's a little weird, since my home church isn't UB and I really only get to one when I'm with my parents. But I do still feel a connection to the United Brethren. It was a huge part of my life for a very long time, yet somehow I always forget just how many connections I actually have with them. I'm not a wife or a mother, though, and it's hard to connect to a lot of events designed for women because that's what they tend to focus on. But I thought it was a good experience, and it gave me some time in the city of my birth. I haven't lived there in years, but there's always that tether that connects you to important places. It's a part of home.

I'm going to start up the weekly updates again next week. Technically, this is one. But it's also something more. I'm working on four groups of Portuguese, which will soon be published. I'm also working on a prayer letter, which I'm hoping will be ready to mail next week. I also went to Noblesville yesterday with the retreat planning team. We wanted to make sure we had all the details on the place that's hosting the ECC retreat in December. Do you know how much work it is to plan something designed to be restful?

So. Here's what I need from you: encouragement, prayers, ideas of what you want to know about, etc. Give me a wave or a shout. Remind me that I'm valuable.

Be cool.