Friday, September 22, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 18-22, 2023

Hello! Is it me you're looking for?

I hope so. But if not, stick around. I do try to be entertaining. 

This has been a good week, and definitely busy, as I worked to check everything off my list before I take off on vacation. 

I started off the week knowing I had two meetings on Monday. I was nervous about one because I didn't know what it was about, and I was looking forward to the other. The first meeting was actually fine, though I don't know if anything will come of it. But it was a good conversation, and I think I made some points. The second meeting never happened. That was incredibly frustrating, because it was a meeting that was to make up for a meeting that was making up for another meeting. Lots of cancellations. 

Whatever. I've washed my hands of it.

You'll be happy to hear (or at least I hope you'll be happy) that I have finished my next prayer letter! It is on the presses and getting ready to be mailed out. I'm pleased with this one, and I hope it is informative for you. 

Finally, I have completed the first group of Nepali!

Doesn't it look like Hindi? I suppose you may not be familiar with what Hindi looks like, but I spent months working on that language. They are incredibly similar to me. It's such a clean language, though, and very easy to work with. I think it will be a very smooth project. 

That's all I have for you folks. I'm off for the next two weeks on vacation. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you get some time for rest as well.


Friday, September 15, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 11-15, 2023

This has been a week. 

I know. Stating the obvious. 

I am continuing apace with Nepali. It's going well, though the first group always takes longer, especially with a glyph language. Like Hindi, there are no periods in Nepali, just a vertical bar. (I'm sure it has a name, I just don't know what it is.) Sometimes it ends up on a different line from the rest of the sentence. Fun times. 

I have also been scheduling social media posts again. I can only post 29 days out, so I'm trying to get everything scheduled before I leave on vacation so it just runs without me. 

We had a team meeting on Tuesday. It was nice to see everyone on screen for an hour or so and hear about their lives. Please keep praying for Veronica, Eliana, Lynae, Naomi, and my mom (Donna). 

I sang in chapel on Wednesday. I had to learn a lovely new (to me) song by the Gettys. And now I've forgotten the name. Hang on. Google! 

Okay, I hope that worked. Anyway, we did that one and "Oh Praise the Name." 

Did you know there's more to Outreach than what you (hopefully) get in the mail? You can find it online with bonus content! Just click the linky-dink there. 

I think that's it for work. For non-work stuff, I'd appreciate your prayers. My new medication is seriously messing with me. It's moving into 'the cure is worse than the disease' territory. I really want to stick with it because it was incredibly expensive and really hard to get, but it just makes me feel awful. Please pray for that to subside. 

Anyway, that's about it. I hope you have a great weekend. 


Friday, September 8, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: September 4-8, 2023

It's another short one this week. Which is weird, because it feels like Labor Day was a month ago, not a week. I didn't do much for Labor Day this year. I was finishing up a cat-sitting stint, and I was also fighting a cold - still am, though it's in the final stages. 

This week, I've been working on social media posts. It amazes me how long it takes to come up with content. I feel like so many people think they can be content creators online, like they'd totally be interesting on YouTube, and they have no idea how much work actually goes into it. Occasionally I think I should do a podcast, but you really have to have the right combination of people and a good topic for it. Again, it's a lot of work. 

But I digress. 

I have also started a new language this week! Nepali is coming along nicely. It looks a lot like Hindi, but as with all languages, it has its own style. It has actually been a long time since I've started a new language and worked from the very beginning. I'm usually publishing and finishing languages, so it's nice to be doing something different. (I just hope I remember what to do at this stage.)

We're entering a stage with a lot of people traveling (including me), so it'll be weird in the office. Okay, I have to clarify that, because people are always traveling. THIS TIME, however, it's people I usually hang out with or see on a regular basis. So the usual routines are going to be thrown off. Which is fine. We all know how much I hate routine. 



Friday, September 1, 2023

The Weekly Wrap-Up: August 28 - September 1, 2023

I have no idea what happened to this week. 

It started fine. I came into work on Monday. I did some proofing of Outreach pages. I scheduled some Facebook posts. I worked on Tamil. I wondered if the tickle in my throat was going to become a problem.

Spoiler alert: it was. And it did. 

My cold came on really fast Monday night. So fast that I was down for the count on Tuesday. 

I hosted chapel on Zoom Wednesday morning. I was feeling marginally better, so I came into the office in the afternoon and stayed away from other people. 

Clearly, that was too much. I was again feeling horribly Thursday morning, but I came in the afternoon again. I did manage to finish Tamil and publish it completely. I also published all of the Spanish I was doing the art swap for all those months ago. I felt accomplished. 

I'm really hoping that this cold just goes away soon. I'd like to have some semblance of a normal weekend. That probably just means a lot of sleep, honestly. 

I guess I was due for something like this, but I still don't like it. Weirdly, my sister and nephew also got sick this week. Maybe it went through the phone. Probably some government conspiracy. 
