Wednesday, March 27, 2013

In Which I Rant. Again.

"God did not instruct the church to force the rest of the world to have the appearance of the church."

I'm going to warn you right off the bat: this post will be long, it will be ranty, it will be confusing. It will be my thoughts as of the moment I post it, which are not necessarily set in stone. I welcome opposing viewpoints as long as they aren't attacking me as a person.

I was doing my normal thing, reading through a day's worth of Facebook posts, when I came across the above quotation. Right away, I knew I wasn't going to get much done other than thinking about the implications of the above statement. It comes from this article, also a popular share on my news feed.

Yesterday, as you know, the Supreme Court was hearing arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act. I have friends on both sides of this debate. Actually, there are about fifty sides to the debate. There's an "I think all people everywhere aside from me and mine are going to hell" camp, a "God is love so free love for everyone" camp, a "I am morally opposed to this but afraid saying so will alienate me" camp, an "I really don't care let's get tacos" camp, a "What's with all the equal signs" camp... You name it, there's a camp for it.

But in most of the media I've digested, there's an attempt to get people to believe there are only two sides: "Yes, gay people should be allowed to get married because all are equal in the sight of the law and people who disagree are homophobic hatemongers (probably so-called 'Christians') who are out to create a new Third Reich"; and "No, gay people should not be allowed to get married because it's morally reprehensible and God doesn't love everyone and how far are you taking this, are we going to let people marry their dogs now?"

Do these camps exist? Yes. I personally know people who hold these opinions. But why do we have to take an all-or-nothing approach to this? In the article I mentioned, the author seems to take the approach that, because the Church has done a terrible job of conveying what it means to be the Church, they need to roll over and be the kind of church that people want - which is apparently an all-inclusive love-fest that is a social/political/economical activist and our mother rolled into one. Or in other words, a better government than our government.

A lot of Christians have spoken out about this matter. Some (the loudest) are of the God-hates-gays variety. Others are extremely cautious in their disapproval. Most try to side-step actually answering the question. Like Rick Warren. He showed up in my newsfeed a lot, too, saying "Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.”

And it's true. An individual does not have to compromise convictions to be compassionate. But that message isn't getting across to a lot of people. The Church in America is being forced into the political realm, kicking and screaming, and they don't know how to deal with that. People suddenly have to decide if religion is going to dictate their morality.

This is a foreign concept in the rest of the world. Europe has already experienced the Enlightenment, a mass overthrow of their religious overlords, the beginning of the end of the Catholic Church. Self became the new god, until people realized where that could lead without some kind of check, and then Government (in defense of Self) took over manning the moral compass. And if you're not in Europe or Australia, then there's no question that religion or tradition rules.

Enter America. We're young, we're sure of ourselves, and we're founded on two opposing principles. One: God is our guide. Two: Man defines his own freedom. We tried merging the two ideas for a while, but when that didn't work, we decided to keep them completely separate. The Church doesn't tell the Government what to do, and the Government doesn't interfere with the Church.

And this position is no longer viable.

Over the years, there have been other clashes, and both sides have taken hits and given them, somehow emerging with their foundations mostly intact, a little worse for wear but mostly preserved. But I'm worried that this isn't going to be the case this time. This may be the start of the American Enlightenment. And you know why? Because for all the media tries to tell us it's true, the fact of that matter is that gay marriage is not a polarizing issue.

Why not let gay people get married? What real harm does it do? It's not really going to affect me, so what's the big deal? Look at all these cute old people finally allowed to be open about their love. What's so wrong with that? Maybe if we stop arguing about this, the church can finally choose "to focus on real problems with serious consequences, like unnecessary war, sex trafficking, extreme global poverty, gender inequality, our prison industrial complex, increasing poverty at home, growing income inequality, greed, rampant corruption and an unlawful and unaccountable federal government."

After all, "God did not instruct the church to force the rest of the world to have the appearance of the church."

You're right. God didn't tell the Church to force the rest of the world to become drones. God told the Church to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

Here's where I have to define terms. Because there's the Church, and then there's the church. The Church, in my mind, is the global community of believers, followers of Christ, people devoted to doing what Jesus commanded them. The church is a building. It's a corporate identity and a social club, devoted to doing some nice things for people because that's just the right thing to do.

So yes, the church will probably roll over and conform to whatever role the Government gives them. And by Government, I mean the world, the individual quest for freedom from any kind of moral constraint, the desire to not have anyone telling you what to do outside of the collective consciousness of 'society.'

But the Church needs to realize that the battle lines have been drawn. This is the hill on which they must decide whether or not to die. And they need to choose well, because we're living in the age of scorched earth.

I actually agree with parts of the article. The church isn't doing a good job of taking care of its people, and the Church is struggling with a lot of dead weight.

I don't know where I want to go with this. I find myself struggling with so many different versions of truth, when really, Truth has not changed and never will.

It goes back to the serpent in Eden. "Did God really say that? And even if he did, is that what really what he meant?"

That's all it takes. That one moment of doubt. And I think what really bothers people with the Church is that fact that believing one thing, one simple Truth that there is a God and his Son Jesus is the only way to Heaven, demands a radical change, and suddenly you have to be accountable for your actions.

And apparently, that's just unthinkable.

I did warn you. I didn't even make half the points I set out to. Because for me, it always comes down to Truth. And the absence of it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

GRITs VBS Now Available

Click above or the link below.

I helped with a lot of aspects of this VBS, and I think it's awesome. Your church will love it!

Friday, March 22, 2013

I wish I had something else to write about, but funding is pretty much the only thing on my mind right now. It's a struggle to maintain a balance between healthy concern and near panic. Pray for me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What's on my brain today?


And it will be there a while.

Friday, March 8, 2013

A Word from Sarah

(It's Sarah's turn. Did I mention that Sarah is leaving and thus feels no fear of retribution? I can still find you in Kentucky, Sarah.)

Jessica made the mistake of asking me, Sarah Leckie, to be a guest blogger today. :) So I thought I'd reveal some of Jessica's secrets.

This is what she really does at the office all day long most days:

Takes over David Long's office all the time!

Murders poor ECC staff one by one

ransacks other people's cubicles with practical jokes

is constantly on the hunt for Cupid because of a personal vendetta

Holds chair derbys on the premises

And she loves to steal poor Milton's stapler all the time!!!

Oh my... beware if you ever hire her!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Word from Foster

(I haven't felt much like blogging lately, Monday's verbal vomit notwithstanding, so I decided to take advantage of my department's generosity and asked them to guest blog. Foster, our graphic designer, is starting us off. I gave no guidelines, made very few edits, and censored nothing. Lord help us.)

This is Jessica’s blog. Her brain is disengaged at the moment from blog writing so I, Foster, am writing to you today. This is a huge task. I feel the pressure of expectations from myself, “Do I really have anything to say that is worthy of reading?” and the expectation of you the reader, “Is reading this blog not written in the whimsical Jessica writing style worth my time?” Fair question to ask. And then I thought what could be more interesting than writing about Jessica. I definitely have things to say on that subject. And so do you and I want to read them. After you read this blog, write your comments on Jessica, and together we can sculpt a more 3D portrait of her. So let’s get started. Here’s my view of her. Granted, it’s one view, one perspective and falls short of capturing the total Jessica. And it’s a guy’s view, for what that's worth.

I met Jessica three years ago when she plopped down in a chair in the Communication Department’s workstation area, setting up shop so to speak, saying God had called her here to work at One Mission Society. Here to stay, I guess. I started greeting her in my God-given personality as I greet everyone in the Communication Department with a robust and enthusiastic, “Happy Day!” This greeting and the way it is delivered usually brings some laughter and greetings in return. Not Jessica. She received the greeting like a bucket of water had been thrown on her. On a rare occasion I would get a muffled “Hi” but usually it was a look of death. A whole chapter could be written on Jessica’s multifaceted looks. She has a look for every occasion, and believe me I’ve encountered most of them. There are  a few looks that I’ve named. The “don’t bother me” look, the “I can’t believe you said that" look and the “if I could kill you without going to jail I would” look.  Because of Jessica, I now have goals in my life. One of them is to see how many times during the day I can get the look before I totally tick her off and she says, “If I had one of my guns or swords on me I would use them on you right now!” Another goal of mine is to draw her out of her silent side and get her to say a complete sentence before 10 in the morning. That’s really hard to do, especially when my “Happy Day” brings automatic shut down sequence and lock down procedures to her already silent side. Her silent side actually is really loud and says a lot. Just like the look. Her silent side is different than her introvert side. It’s a mystery to me. It’s different than when she’s deep in thought or being contemplative. If someone wants to write about that side of Jessica, I’d be interested in your thoughts.

Even though I can be a thorn in her side, we do get along and actually have fun together. One of those times was last November when we were working on a Christmas video for One Mission Society’s Christmas dinner. She wrote the script, directed, produced and was the camera women. She did an awesome job, I have to say, and dealt well with the stress of making a large screen production. Her trust in me was evident when she allowed me to help with her costume and arranging her hair for her character, Pi. Since I was the lead in the massive on-screen production, we had to work together in every scene and not once did I hear a reference to her guns or swords.

I have massive respect for Jessica. Sometimes I view it as one who has respect for a lion. You admire its strength, beauty, power, claws from a distance, not wanting to meet face to face with no barrier between you because you don’t know what to expect.  There are days when the lion looks soft, playful and full of energy. Those are the times of many jokes, funny YouTube videos and sharing good music.

I would even say we are friends. Good friends with quarky personalities and rough edges. A friendship with two different personalities finding common ground on Christ and finding we do enhance each others lives. If our lives would ever go separate ways I know I would miss the multifaceted looks of Jessica because underneath the look are roots of friendship and I believe that she would miss my robust and enthusiastic, “Happy Day!”
(You can find our Christmas production here.)