Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tomorrow, at Corunna UB, I will be showing the movie shown at US National Conference on missions night about the history of UB Missions. Church is at 10:15, directions are to the right on your screen. 

For those who requested DVD's of the occasion - they will be available shortly from Global Ministries. I can't give you an exact date because anyone who would know is in China. But if you need a copy absolutely right now, let me know, and I can have one made.

Upcoming events:
August 23 - I will be speaking at the Monroe UB Church. Again, see -->.

Check out the link for the China blog on the UB website. They will be returning in another week.

Also, as I hear from other missionaries, I'll be posting updates and links. Check back frequently to get the scoop.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is my quirk showing?

Couple of things:

Keep in mind the team in China. My mother is leaving with sixteen others tomorrow for two weeks. There are already about 15 people there. They will be teaching Chinese English teachers how to teach conversational English.

Owen Gordon sent out the update for Jamaica Bible College. Keep them in your prayers, especially that scholarships will be available for their students.

This past week, I sent out an e-mail to the current UB full-support/endorsed/candidate staff people in their various fields. I've heard from several, and will keep you updated on their status. Please encourage the missionaries you support to put me on their lists - I'd like to keep everyone connected. 

Also - I am currently available for speaking engagements. This will not be the case for long. My appointment book is rapidly filling. I guarantee an interesting time will be had by all.

P.S. You are allowed to comment. In fact, it's encouraged. I do like to know that I'm being monitored by more people than the U.S. Government.

Monday, July 6, 2009

It takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say.

When I was in sixth grade, I wrote a short little note to a new girl in my class, at the behest of my friends, explaining to her why it was a terrible idea to be friends with another girl in the class. 

Needless to say, I got into a bit of trouble for that incident, and to top it all off, it didn't work. I didn't understand it then - the girl about whom the note was written was in fact constantly in trouble, and I was trying, the only way I knew how, to save the new girl from a lifetime of difficulties. What's so bad about that?

Legally, of course, the answer is called slander, or defamation of character. Morally, it's a severe violation of the Golden Rule. Logically, we should have stayed out of it altogether. But what twelve-year-old thinks logically?

What's my point? The title of this blog really says it all. It's a quote from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by a character named Treebeard, who is a tree-herder, and caretaker of the old forests. He later says in the book that he is older than the elves (who are immortal) and that he will live long past the point that the current troubles have any bearing on the world. You knew right then that if Treebeard said something, it would be profound, and it would bring great change. 

Words are powerful. Whether we speak them, sing them or write them, they cannot be taken back. When I was the editor of my school paper, I spent three months on a story - working with the writer, the parties involved, my advisor, and my staff - because a) it was controversial, and b) I wanted it to make people think. 

That is my first goal with this ministry. As time passes, and I meet more and more people, I am given greater and greater vision for this position. I can do a great deal, I believe, but my primary goal is to make people think about the Kingdom and their place in it. 

Our time here is short, but what we do now will have meaning for eternity.

Think about it.