Friday, November 19, 2021

The Weekly Wrap-Up: November 15-19, 2021

Greetings, fellow humans! I have returned from my dark sojourn to the sick halls also known as my apartment. Yes, I was indeed laid low with a bad cold last week, and while I am indeed still feeling poorly, I was well enough on Monday to return to the confines of my office. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though. 

Last week, I was able to finish some urgently needed projects before I crashed out on Wednesday. I got the new Mozambican Portuguese booklets from the first group done and published, with the added bonus of configuring a volume for them. I also got some work done on the retreat, giving everyone their gift recipient assignments. We should have a nice time this year. 

This week, I've been working on end-of-year cards and gifts. I'm also working on Tamil booklets. Most of my week has been spent clearing up stuff I missed last week and trying to get stuff done since I'll be gone next week. Yes, I am taking the week off for Thanksgiving. It will be nice to have a break in which I'm not constantly blowing my nose or hacking up a lung. That's assuming this thing clears up. (It's not COVID. Just a cold. I'm annoyed that I have to clarify that now.)

So, the next time we chat, it will be December. Geez Louise. A lot of this year has dragged (and been a drag), but these last few months just are flying by. I don't like it. 


Friday, November 5, 2021

The Weekly Wrap-Up: November 1-5, 2021

This week has been all about Mozambican Portuguese. Just like Spanish and Castilian, Portuguese has differences depending on where it is spoken. Since we're using Portuguese in Africa now, we've had someone go through what has already been done (based on what is spoken in Brazil) and make a few changes. This mostly effects T&M booklets since we haven't already translated VCP materials. But it's a quick turnaround because they want to start using the materials ASAP, so I'm doing my best to get it ready for proofs and publishing. 

I've had so many meetings this week, and while they have all actually been good and useful, they also make my head hurt. I'm on the team planning the OMS Christmas party, I'm planning the ECC retreat with Sarah, I've put myself in charge of working on some safety plans for OMS (also with Sarah), and I still have to do the development stuff for the app and download sites. I am ready for some downtime. 

I don't have a lot of side rambles today. Sorry. 

I will leave you with a riddle, though. What did the Gingerbread Man put on top of his bed?

Comment with your guesses.
