Sunday, August 30, 2009

If I were any more relaxed, I'd be in dreamland

I'm listening to very mellow music right now, so blame that if I occasionally get maudlin or space out. Not that you would be able to tell the latter. I usually start rambling if that happens, and I don't think it would be that obvi...

Never mind.

It's been a somewhat eventful week for me. I spoke last Sunday at Monroe UB, which was a lovely experience. They have very nice people, and I felt so welcome! Thanks, Tina, for being awesome and letting me pick on you. :)

I've been taking on more responsibilities at work, which is both a blessing, because it means more hours, but also slightly nerve-wracking because there is more of which to keep track. (Sometimes I wish I weren't so focused on grammar. Things sound better when you aren't worried about prepositions and capitalization. And I'm doing it again.) I really enjoy the people I work with, and the people who come in always have good stories. parents have a fire going in our fireplace, and I can smell it outside. (I'm in my room upstairs, but the window is open. Actually, it kind of smells like they are burning the house down. Should I be worried?)

I've been told that the DVD's of the historical presentation from Conference are 50% completed. They've been formatted, but now they need to be multiplied. Stay tuned for news on how to get those.

I got really wound up on Thursday/Friday, so my father took me out to lunch and we had a chat about life, the universe, and everything. (Hence the mellow/rambly/spaced-out-ness now.) Aren't fathers wonderful?

Okay, I think that's it. Be sure to check the links for missionary updates. Neal and Carol Brinneman have also sent out an update about their work with JAARS. Let me know if you'd like to be on their e-mail list.

If you'd like to know what I was listening to, here you go:

Parce Mihi Domine - Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble - Officium

Kyrie (from Mass for Double Chorus) - Robert Shaw - A Capella

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I know. Believe me, if there were something to write about, I would be all over it.

My parents are in Alaska this week for their anniversary, which leaves me to take care of the homestead by myself. I've done my best to fill it with people, but despite my efforts, I'm home alone, watching TV Land most nights. Either that, or writing chapters for my book.

Oh yeah. I'm writing a book. It's about the Crusades and how perceptions have changed over the years. It's mostly a historical survey, with some theology and hopefully pointed commentary on the current desire to ignore or downplay this period in history. No idea when I'll be ready to publish it.

Work is going well. I've been given more responsibilities lately, and we're trying to get ready for Christmas (ugh!), so I've been kept relatively busy with that.

There have been a couple of health concerns recently. I've been hesitant about getting them checked out, mostly because I don't want to know. If it continues, though, I'm thinking I won't have a choice.

New link is up for the Hendrick's blog. They are in Spain, and have been going through some difficulties lately, so they'd appreciate a word of encouragement, I'm sure.

I'll leave you with this sentiment from Paul to Philemon.

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pay no attention to the time stamp

The China team arrived safely Sunday after a successful, and only mildly bumpy, trip. I and several others were at the Ft. Wayne airport to welcome the majority of our weary travelers home. It's nice having my mother back - I actually eat real food. :)

THANK YOU to everyone for your prayers lately. I have managed to acquire two very important pieces of equipment in the past week, which has been an incredible blessing. The project for this week is to get in touch with Operation Mobilization (OM) and see what they recommend for the other equipment I will need. This will all lead to a future project - figuring out how to get everything into and out of each country.

One logical impossibility at a time.

On a more personal level, things seem to be going well. I meet new and interesting people every day at work, and I even had time last weekend to attend my five-year high school reunion. It was nice to catch up on everyone's lives.

***Other Updates***

After a much-needed vacay, Wes and Jean Bell are back on the field. There are still some health concerns, but they are looking forward to the new school year.

The Hendricks are also back in Spain after their trip to the U.S. in June. Please continue to pray for their family and the new church plant.