Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything... 42.

For those of you who haven't read/listened to/watched Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a) you really should consider it and b) the answer is 42, but no one knows what the question is.

For the past two and a half weeks, that has been my life. Answers have abounded, but most of the time, I don't even know what questions to ask. Life in the Communications Department of One Mission Society is always an adventure, fast-paced and jam-packed and


On Beka's and my first day, Foster, our graphic designer, was inspired to comment that there was too much 'e' in the department now. 'E' being estrogen - there are a lot of us women around here. It's a fun place to work - at any given moment, there will be a couple visitors, a 'discussion' about something grammatical, cookies, jolly ranchers, loud music or tangential conversations about refrigerators or good books we're reading right now. Sometimes all of them at once.

Don't get me wrong - we get a lot done. But we're all the type of people who work best when there are a few distractions. If you check the website ( in the next few weeks, you might see a couple of stories I've written. I'm also working on projects for Every Community for Christ, Development, and whoever else needs something written, edited or designed. It's fascinating work, and I'm learning TONS of great stuff.

This is where I spend most of my time now. We're working on getting some trips lined up for me, but when I'm in Greenwood, this is where I hold court. I'd love it if you stopped by sometime. Like I said, we're always getting visitors and friends to come in and see us, and it might give you some perspective.

I was telling someone earlier today, I'm really glad to be here. The journey was long and difficult, and there were times when I wanted to hang up my hat and say 'Forget it', but I am so glad that I didn't. These last few weeks have been so rewarding and amazing, and just to be able to hear stories from all over the world about God's faithfulness is so awesome, in the truest sense of the word. I feel like I am really serving a purpose here, and I'm so thankful to everyone who has enabled me to be part of such a great opportunity.

You guys rock.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Warning: Epicness Ahead

Okay, so I need to recap the last two weeks in one measly blog post. Well, I don't have to, but I'm going to cover as much as possible, because I doubt there will be a lot of time in the next few weeks. I'm going to admit right now that I am alternately freaking out and matter-of-fact about tomorrow - it being my first day and all. I'm looking forward to getting started. It's nice to know that the last two years are finally going to pay off.

Last time, I was coming off of three days of 'Strengthening Your Interpersonal Skills' and I was frustrated, emotional and completely out of sorts after that experience. But honestly, it was good for all of us who went through it. It brought everyone closer together, and gave us the ability to share on a wonderfully deep level. I think the best way to recap everything about training by introducing you to the people who went through it with me.

This is Gail and Karen. They were our guides through this journey, truly fabulous people. There were other facilitators, but these ladies were responsible for keeping us on task and on time. This was the first time they extended training to four weeks, and I can't imagine how they covered everything in such a short time before.

Alfredo and Jen were only with us for a couple of weeks. They were in another training course before they joined us, and they left here a week early so they could head to their assignment in the South Pacific. Jen and I got along really well, and the two of them had the dubious honor of being the first people I invited over for dinner. These guys have such a passion for their work and a heart for people.

Incidentally, their experience at Ahavat Yeshua, a Messianic service in north Indy, led me to try it for myself. It was a fabulous experience, one I would repeat and recommend to everyone. There is a reverence to the Messianic Jewish service, but also an informality that allows such freedom of worship.

These girls got to room together during training, which was really nice for them to get to know one another. They all have very different personalities, but their ministries overlap in some awesome ways. Emily, on the left, is going to Japan. Christina, in the center, is going to South Korea to work with migrant workers, and Marta, on the right, is also going to Japan. They are funny and lovely, and they allow me to freak out about science fiction stuff at the drop of a hat. I didn't get a chance to know them as well as I hoped, but I'm looking forward to having some good conversations with them in the future.

Beka, on the right, is going to be my rock here at headquarters. She is also working in the Communications Department, and she actually knows what she's doing, so I'm going to be relying on her heavily to help me out. She's also good about getting me out of my apartment.

David and Catherine are from Australia, but they work in Spain. David is funny and direct, and Catherine is elegant and a little bit wacky. :) They get to stick around a little bit longer, so I haven't had to say goodbye, yet. Their kids are pretty awesome as well. David, Catherine, Beka, Alfredo and Jen were all in my Intercession group. I've never experienced such intense prayer. I think it's a great tool to use.

Ken and Cathy will be working with OMS Canada. They were of great help to me, and wonderfully supportive. For our first ethnic service, we got to experience a Lutheran service in Latvian. It was pretty neat, and then we went to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. It was a fantastic place with some pretty good art, and some real creativity in the contemporary section. Not the paintings - I've never been a fan of those, but the construction was interesting and the fashion design was pretty amazing.

This whole experience was really fantastic, and there is so much more I could say about it. If you'd like to know more, you could call me, or skype me, or write me a letter. I might even let you visit.

In the meantime, keep an eye on the blog. I hope it has been and will continue to be epic.