This time of year is stressful. Not news to you, I'm sure, but I didn't realize how much parents ameliorate the many demands on my time and money and emotional well-being. I have always lived according to a fairly rigid schedule, and let's face it - I'm not exactly a party animal, so I don't have a ton of regularly scheduled social engagements with which to contend. Lately, however, I have found myself in trouble because I agreed to do five things at the same time. Thus, my desk calendar has become my lifeline.
Unfortunately, in all the rushing about, the holidays arrived at my doorstep before I was ready. My apartment is a bit of mess with half-wrapped gifts littering the floor, clothes in various stages of cleanliness, Christmas cards that still need to be addressed and decorations that I've been intending to put up for two weeks now.
I understand now why the holidays are a lot more fun for kids.
Thanksgiving this year went well. My mother and I had been in Pennsylvania the week before after getting back from Spain, so we were just a bit crazed when the time came for feasts and hosting company. My sister Julie and her family came to my parent's place, and they actually did most of the decorating and helped with the cooking, so we were able to relax a little bit.
It was very strange being back in the office after three weeks of being away. It took some time to get back in the groove of things, but as there is no shortage of stuff to do around here, I took off running.
I had the opportunity to join Every Community for Christ on their retreat at the Shunem House in Noblesville in the second week of December. I enjoyed the company, and we had some excellent devotional times. I've been feeling a little troubled lately about various things (including my calling, which I realize I haven't mentioned again, mostly because if I do, I will be required to do something about it, and I'm just not ready to do that), but the house was such a stress reliever. Seriously, if I could move there, I would. People don't realize just how important missionary care really is, and I'm really glad there are places like the Shunem House.

This last weekend, I attended my dad's retirement party. He has been in ministry for more than 40 years, and while I don't think he will completely withdraw from ministry, he will definitely take advantage of not being required to get involved in so much. I'm really hoping he will take the time to write the books he's been talking about writing for awhile now. I am also hoping that he will start to write more about his childhood and the churches he's pastored. He was already an oldish man when I was born, with a lot of life lived, and I've only heard a very few stories. I got a unique look at his life as I made a short movie for his party. You can find it on YouTube.
I'm going home to my parent's for Christmas. I'm hoping for some time to reflect and really explore some new avenues for 2011. I will be 25 - kind of a milestone, and I feel like really celebrating it. Not sure what that will look like.
Look forward to receiving a letter from me early in the new year.
Have a wonderful Christmas, and a safe New Year's! May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.