Friday, August 24, 2018

The Weekly Wrap-up: August 20-24, 2018

Is it just me or are the weeks going faster?

I don't like it.

Lots of stuff going on this week. I finished my analysis of Marie's work on Estonian. It's still weird going over someone else's stuff. She's coming along quite well, though. So that's good. Also, I can get this done pretty quickly. Six groups in less than two weeks. Go me.

It's also the week for proofing Outreach pages. The next issue will focus on Asia - it's a good one!

Funding is... going slowly. There's a lot of prep work before I go to boot camp in Washington. But I'm working my way through it. I really hope this goes well.

I'm hanging in there. But don't let anyone tell you the missionary life is easy.

I'll try to work on something longer for next week. But until then, enjoy the Pic of the Week. It has joined a few other funnies on my door.

Friday, August 17, 2018

The Weekly Wrap-Up: August 13-17, 2018

My forehead is peeling. It's not at all distracting me from my work.

Nor is the fact that I can't figure out how and when I got a sunburn only on my forehead.

Nope. Not distracting at all.


You caught me. I didn't do a weekly report last week. It just kinda slipped by me. I'm a little stressed. I can't really say that I'm doing any of my routine activities. My job will be changing soon, or maybe not really changing but being added to. I'm taking on Team Leader duties in the next few months, meaning I'll be assigning jobs and checking the work of the production team. It's a lot of responsibility in addition to what I'm already doing. Plus, I'm trying to work on support raising. Finding a balance is proving difficult.

Anyway, this week has just added to the mayhem. It's a training week, which means a lot of time spent off-site. Plus, I took Tuesday off to spend with my parents at the State Fair. I think training went well, though. It was definitely our smoothest presentation of T&M Online.

As for booklets, I'm working my way through several groups of Estonian. This was the first project the new girl in Ukraine worked on, so I'm looking for any issues. All part of my new duties. It's interesting to go through someone else's work. It reminds me of the old telegrapher's being able to recognize who they were talking to just by the style of their transmission. We all have our own quirks, I'll attest to that.

I'm hoping for a more even keel next week, but we all know the likelihood of that.

Here's your Pic of the Week:

Have I introduced Tarah yet? She's our new admin assistant for T&M. We just happened to all wear shades of purple the other day and had to document the occasion.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to be notified of updates. It's over there. -----> And up a little. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

[title of post]

This will have to suffice as my weekly update. I could cobble something together, talk about my love of Hakha Chin and how fast the current project is going. I could talk about the prayer rally on Wednesday and how I sang and somehow got asked to pray, and we all know how much I love public prayer. I could do a lot of things.

Or rather, I should. Used to be able to. It's a toss up from day to day on what I can actually do.

I'm struggling.

I've been struggling. For six months now, maybe longer, I've been telling myself that it's not that bad. At least I can still take care of stuff around the house. At least I'm still sleeping fairly well. At least I'm still eating. At least I'm functioning.

And I made excuses. Dishes can wait another day or so. I have plenty of clean clothes. My pillows are old, so it makes sense I wouldn't sleep well. I have a lot on my mind, so of course I'm staying up later. I'm trying to lose weight. I'm just not hungry.

But people keep asking me how I'm doing. Most of them don't actually care, it's just a thing you say. And the proper reply, the polite reply, is to say 'fine' and move on. Except it feels like lying now. I started saying I was 'okay, for given values of okay,' except with the last part under my breath because it made people uncomfortable.

I can't give you a reason. I can give you fifteen reasons. I'm not totally alone in this. I am talking to people. But it's weighing on me. I feel like I'm doing a terrible job of hiding it. I feel like I'm doing too good a job of hiding it. And I don't know why I'm trying to hide it anymore.

I'm sorry this isn't the normal fare you come here for. Just, I might mention it again. And I might never talk about it. I don't know what I want your response to be. I just know that silence never helped anyone. Unless you're living in the universe of "A Quiet Place."

I'm functioning still. I'm working on the other stuff. I read. I watch movies. I hang out with friends. I work. I'm still me. I'm just more me than people are used to dealing with.

Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame

Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns, doesn't mean you're gonna die
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try