Friday, January 28, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 24-28, 2022

Well, it's finally happened. 

Snow has come to Greenwood. 

Seriously, though, I know it has been everywhere else, but this week we got the first significant snow we've had so far this Winter. I'm enjoying it thus far, but I don't trust it. I fully expect some random blizzard to inundate us sometime soon. 

But you didn't come here for that analysis, so let's get on with it. 

This was a Board week - not a boring week - with the OMS USA Board here Thursday and Friday. I don't usually have to do much when they're in town, but I did get called on for some tech assistance. Fortunately, I know how to Google and make phone calls to people who understand what to do, so I was successful. 

I finished the re-publish of group 1 of Tamil and started on publishing group 2. This group will take longer as we've changed a few styles since the last time it was worked on. Also, I had to interrupt it to work on a Mozambican Portuguese project. 

The rest of the week has been spent trying to keep warm and attending the usual meetings. Fun times. 

That's about it. Stay awesome.


Friday, January 21, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 17-21, 2022

Hello, my fine feathered friends!

I must say, my birthday week has been pretty great. I got to eat lunch with some of my favorite people on Monday, we extended the celebration to Thursday night with South African crunchies, and my mom came to visit! Yay!

Granted, my mother came for a few different reasons, but it has still been lovely to spend some extended time with her. She is a good egg.

Also, when I arrived on Monday, I was greeted with a box full of safety vests and walkie-talkies. Naturally, Sarah and I immediately put them to the test. We've had great fun expanding our security duties around OMS and making sure everything is shipshape and Bristol fashion. 

I did also manage to do work this week, finishing a group of Telugu, and getting well on the way to publishing more Tamil booklets. I also got the call to pinch hit in chapel, running sound and video. It's a little nerve-wracking, not gonna lie, but I think I did a pretty good job. And of course I had excellent help.

That's about it for the week. It's cold in Central Indiana, and I am looking forward to some quality snuggling in my blankets this weekend. I hope you all stay warm and safe.


Friday, January 14, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 10-14, 2022

🎶 It's beginning to feel a lot like lockdown... 🎶

Maybe not quite that quiet. But we have a lot of sickies out of the office right now. On the one hand, that can make it easier to get things done. But on the other hand, sometimes it's nice to have those interruptions that make you take a break from staring at your computer for eight hours straight. 

Not that I could do much of either. My computer is possessed. I don't know if it's a corrupted update or what, but some programs keep crashing. I'm still trying to figure it out, so I only have the bare minimum open right now. 

I finished my group of Tamil this week! Yay! We have now processed all of the initial Tamil files and can get on with proofreading and eventual publishing. 

I've got my fair share of interesting languages this week, because I immediately moved on to Telugu. Lots of fun curls and swirls, but more compact than Tamil, so it hasn't been too difficult to fit everything on the pages. We're getting ready for a big training event in India, so these languages are doubly important to finish right now. Last time we had an event like this, we were only ready because half the country flooded and delayed the start of the event. I'd like to avoid natural disasters this time. 

One weird thing this week - I am the arbiter of a beard growing contest, so guess who got to measure dude's beards for the before length? Yep. I wore gloves. 

That should about do it for the week. I got my booster shot today, so we'll see how the weekend goes. It's also my birthday on Sunday, so I timed that really well. 

Have a good one!


Friday, January 7, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 3-7, 2022

Greetings, earthlings!

I trust you have all successfully navigated your trek across the arbitrary line demarcating the passage of time. In other words, welcome to 2022. Who ever thought we'd get here? But I'm happy we have. Well done.

The first week back is always an interesting one. You're working through half-remembered routines, starting new ones, wading through scads of emails and voicemails. Fortunately, it hasn't been that bad around here. We've had some meetings to set goals and priorities for the year ahead, lots of good conversations about the future, and I've even managed to do some work on Tamil booklets. 

At the moment, the new job title hasn't really changed my routine that much. We're still seeing how it integrates with what we're already doing, and it's really more designed to give me some authority over any new projects we do. For now, T&M and VCP are keeping me busy. 

There are going to be quite a few changes in the future, though. OMS just announced a new president will be taking over the post in July. ECC will be incorporated into the wider world of OMS Global. What these things will mean and how they will look is still being figured out. I would very much appreciate your prayers as we work these things out.

And that's the first week of January and 2022 on the books! Stay warm.


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Every Community for Christ is excited to announce the promotion of Jessica Hollopeter to Publishing Coordinator, effective January 1st, 2022. She has been serving as the team leader for our T&M Production Team for the past couple of years. With this new assignment, Jessica will be coordinating the processes for translation, formatting, proofreading, and publishing of materials for print and digital distribution. 

The current two major areas of publication are Train & Multiply (T&M) and the New Village Church Planting Program (NVP). We are expanding into other areas of print and digital media that include (but are not limited to) various other training material formats, additional translation tools, web-form based reporting tools, and statistical gathering and reporting analysis. 


Jessica brings a great deal of skill, ability, and experience in the areas of Desktop Publishing, copy edit procedures, and process evaluation and discernment. Please congratulate Jessica on this well-deserved promotion. Also, please pray for continued team cohesion and understanding as we increase our velocity and capacity in the future. 


Carl Walton VP of HR

One Mission Society USA, Inc.

PO Box A  | Greenwood IN 46142