Friday, May 13, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: May 9-13, 2022

It has been a random week at OMS again. Productive, but random. It's nice to shake things up now and then. Breaks up the routine. But you know I like my routine. I'm totally fine with doing the same stuff all the time. Which is good, because that's most of my job.

I'm still working on booklet 64. I finished the tagging, added images, and now I'm doing another read-through. It is amazing what you can miss. Most of what I'm doing now, though, is trying to get the reading level down to fifth grade level and get rid of some jargon. The booklet is about crafting a personal testimony, and there can be a lot of 'Christianese' in talking about that. 

I got tapped to run A/V for two lunches. The first was for local pastors and mission leaders who were here to learn more about OMS. The second was for volunteers who we brought in to show our appreciation. I don't mind running  stuff, but I do appreciate more than an hour's notice. Just saying. 

(As a side note, we had an OMS Family Fun Night on Tuesday. We had a picnic and then karaoke. I was the Spin Doctor and emcee for that, and it actually turned out to be a lot of fun. Unfortunately for you, what happens in the Fellowship Hall, stays in the Fellowship Hall. So no photos or video for you. Sorry.)

We're also still working on safety stuff at OMS. Sarah and I handed out Emergency Response Guides with instructions for various safety issues one might encounter. There are still a few more things we need to do, and obviously, we never want any of these things to happen. But my philosophy is that it is better to be prepared than caught off guard. 

There won't be an update (at least not work-related) for a couple of weeks. I'm headed out of town with family, so try not to miss me too much.


Friday, May 6, 2022

The Weekly Wrap-Up: April 25 - May 6, 2022

Well, as predicted, there was no post last week. The seminar went very well, and while we had a few hiccups, there were no major catastrophes. For which I am very thankful. 

Most of my week was spent in the tech arena. 

We had two tech positions: the tech booth, which controlled all audio/visual elements, and Zoom host, which let people in and created breakout rooms, etc. The seminar was a hybrid event again, which meant we had people attending in person and online. It takes a lot of work to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be there. But, with the incredible leadership of Sarah, we pulled it off. 

Snacks to get us through.

The smiley stickers indicated our level of comfort with personal interaction. I'm a yellow in normal settings, so I figured it was appropriate.

We always have good food.

And, of course, we introduced our new VCP assistant - my mom! Yes, you read that correctly, Donna Hollopeter will be working for OMS part time on Village Church Planting material. And no, I am not her boss. 

Oh well.

So like I said, it was a good week. We had great fellowship and made some solid plans for the future as OMS restructures into more field-centric operations. 

I can't say my weekend was spent recovering from the event as I was dog- and cat-sitting, but I did manage to get some sleep. Regardless, I was read to go Monday morning once again.

This week has been all about booklet 64. 64 is a new booklet called "Tell Your Story." It helps people craft their personal testimony. We've been working on it somewhat passively for a while, but I've been putting in solid work on it this week, tagging text and making sure the layout is as it should be. 

What is tagging?

That's the process. We have text tags so that when we run the script on the translation files, the translated text goes exactly where it is supposed to go. So paragraph 064-072 will always be, "Here are some words to help you think about the benefits you have received in Christ:" (I am also taking the opportunity to fix some grammar and word choice.) It doesn't matter what language, that's the general gist of what it will say. Pretty clever, isn't it?

And that's the gist of my week. It's been cold and rainy, which is always a drag. But I'm spending the weekend with yet another pup, so it should be a break from the norm. Although, pet sitting is becoming the new norm. 

