The Big Reveal!
People keep asking me how I feel about the reno, and it's really hard to separate it from the chaos of the last two months. I do think it looks good, but you know how I feel about change.
It was more English this week along with some side projects. One big thing that ate into our time is that we had three (3!) chapels. On Tuesday, we heard from Michelle Ule. She has
written a book about Lettie Cowman. I am working my way through it, but I am already sure it's a great read. You can order yours by calling OMS and asking for Lydia or by following the link to Amazon.
Our third chapel, on Thursday, was for the benefit of the Board. (Yep. Board meetings this week. I want no part of those.) There was a short devotional and then a service about Stanley and Juanita Tam and their contributions to OMS. Then everyone moved to my hallway to check out the new digs. I hosted the Zoom meeting and then hid in my office.
It's the second chapel, on Wednesday, where I want to focus. We do a prayer chapel every month that centers on a different ministry or region each time. Since we had the Board in (technically two Board, both Global and U.S.), we were praying for the top opportunities and challenges in each region. We split the world into four: Latin America/Caribbean, Asia/Pacific, Europe/Middle East, and Africa. I wanted to share some of those prayer requests with you (without disclosing any security concerns) so that you can pray more specifically for OMS ministries around the world.
Latin America/Caribbean
- The Circle of Silence in Mexico has become an area of focus in the last year. There are many historical and social reasons for this moniker, but it has remained a largely un-reached region of Mexico.
- Ivonne is a missionary from Colombia that is being sent to Mexico. This is such a cool partnership, and it's so encouraging to see mission fields send their own missionaries.
- The resident missionaries need personnel who can focus on coordinating teams to the area.
- The Japan Holiness Church is aging. In fact, the whole population is aging. What young people there are tend not to be interested in spiritual things.
- There are 10 missionary units who have applied to work in Japan. Pray for funding, visas, approvals, and welcome.
- There are amazing opportunities for church multiplication in so many countries - we just need people.
- Central Asia is reopening its seminary; this is HUGE.
- With opportunity comes obstacles - it has become nearly impossible to get people or funds into several countries.
Europe/Middle East
- Opportunities abound amidst new fears that have arisen in the last few years.
- We have business as mission needs in Spain and Hungary.
- In some cases, the growth has happened so quickly that it has become difficult to define a united goal and purpose. Pray for more deliberate action versus the spaghetti model.
- Do you speak Portuguese? Do you want to learn? We need people for our Bible school in Mozambique.
- Approximately 70 new training centers are opening this month and in July. These centers train evangelists and church planters.
- Poverty is a huge challenge. We need people who can provide skills training.
That's what I've got for you this week. I hope your weekend is amazing.