Our excitement for the morning was a ginormous flying bug. It was very annoying because it kept buzzing into the lights. We're pretty sure James killed it, but it disappeared, so we're not positive.
Every Tuesday (mostly) we have chapel from 9-9:30 or 10 or whenever the speaker stops talking. Today, Larry and Susan Weil spoke about their service in Mozambique. It was a good chapel, very interesting. I worked with the Weils on their prayer card, and now I'm working on getting a magnet printed for them. I like it when field missionaries come and speak because, though I read about them and even write stories about them, I rarely get to meet them in person.
Since I organized the letters to be printed on Monday, I can start on them immediately after chapel on Tuesday. This week I have eight letters, none of which have to be stuffed by me, which is awesome. Most of the time, I can just hit print and let the machines take over.
Of course, then there's the folding. Multiply that by 3500 pages this week.
Another part of my job is to manage social media for OMS. That means keeping track of our Facebook page (and a little bit on Twitter). My boss and I tag team posting prayer requests and bits of information for our followers.
I told you yesterday that I would tell you about my department today. Way back, I posted a picture of the department as it was. We've gone through a few changes since then.
This is what my department looks like now. (Oh, and we were talking today about "10 Signs That Your Department Is Dysfunctional." There are nine here. I think the collective makes ten.)
We'll start with Sarah on the left. She's not new, but she's still awesome. She's in charge of A/V stuff, and she answers all of my video and photography questions.
Next to her is Jason. He's our One Mission Kids guy. He put together a great website for kids to explore some of our countries.
In front of Jason is Barb. She's our newest member and just moved from HOPE61. She helps with a lot of the administrative stuff and assists me with prayer letters and envelopes.
My boss, Susan, is next in green. She's hilarious. If you are friends with me on Facebook, then you see a lot of quotes from her.
Lori, in front of Susan, is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. (I mean, I like everyone else, but Lori is just awesome. Sorry guys.) She does a ton of editing, and she doesn't mind when I borrow her to take random photos of me at the folding machine.
Foster's next. He's very cheerful. I am not. He's always trying to get me to be more cheerful. I resist. Most of the time.
Angela is also new. She helps with the proofing. Angela is pretty quiet, but very sweet.
James is also new. He took the workspace directly in front of mine, so we exchange lots of pithy comments. We also play dueling music. He's started a list of things I need.
He also likes peanut butter.
I interact with all of these people every day at work.
It's amazing we're all still sane.
Moving on.
So yeah, my afternoon is a lot like my morning. (Lunch was turkey sandwiches.) I print letters. I fold them. I print more. I come back to my desk and check my email. I talk to Foster about brochures, or Susan about editing, or Lori about the latest episode of Castle or Criminal Minds that we saw. (And work stuff.)
Very occasionally, we head over to Men for Missions land for Holy Hour. Every day at 10 and 3, they have break time. We all show up at random times. I don't go too often, but it's nice to get out of my building for awhile. (Don't worry, I leave letters printing while I'm eating cake.)

It's a good time of fellowship. It's also a good time to gain a new nickname.
No end-of-the-day hijinks today. I learned how to order toner for my machine - I felt powerful. It's the little things, you know?
Of course, now I have a problem. I'm out of Yellow toner and I still have a couple thousand letters to print. Here's hoping the toner arrives or I figure out another creative solution before Thursday when the letters get picked up.
5:20 - Quitting time.
I had a bit of a headache this evening. It happens a lot, and I don't help matters by staring at a computer screen all day.
Of course, when I got home, I immediately logged on to catch up on my British soaps. They are complete rubbish, and it's nice to not have to pay close attention to what is going on. Some of them are worse than the American soaps for dragging things out. I try to watch a wide variety so I can work on the various accents.
I like lazy evenings. It's a nice change of pace from the day.
And that's Tuesday.
I love reading posts like this.
ReplyDeleteAnd I wish I was that Emily that was around you. Mentioned in that other post.
I wish you were around, too.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad my life was semi-interesting. :)