The good news is that I am actually moving forward in raising funds for Turkey. Granted, it's slow going, but I've already sent in my first two payments, so I guess I have to go, now! If you're not afraid of Paypal and don't care about tax deductions, go ahead and click that widget over there. If the internet terrifies you - a) thanks for conquering your fear to visit my craziness and b) you can send checks to
Global Ministries
302 Lake St.
Huntington, IN 46750
and put my name in the memo line along with the word Turkey, a picture of a turkey, maybe a nice drawing of a minaret...whatever.
My computer is apparently fixed, but I haven't been able to pick it up, yet. The north side of Indianapolis is just so far away! The worst part about not having my computer is that my music is trapped in it. It's fine when I'm home - I have my stereo, CDs and my iPod to keep me entertained. At work, however, it's a little more difficult. I keep forgetting to bring music with me in the mornings. It's just too quiet! (And I never thought I'd say that about my department.)
What have I been doing lately? Work occupies most of my time, but I took last week off to spend time with family and travel to Pennsylvania.

My dad spent a week in Jamaica, so my mom, my sister, my nephew and I welcomed him home with a fabulous sign at the airport! (It was really hard to pin the kid down to take this picture - he seemed to be embarrassed for some reason. Weird.)
How awesome is that view in the morning? Yeah, pretty awesome.
(BTW, I reserve the right to use some of these again as awesome photos. I still don't have my folder, so I can't update them, yet. I'm working on it.)
Talk about having terrifying things in your backseat! If I looked forward, I could ignore their presence - at least until I heard the kid's Nintendo or my sister's snoring!
And of course, no trip to PA is complete without a visit to my favorite place. It was really fun to be able to share stories of The War with the kid. He was a very attentive student - especially when it came to the medical section. (Seriously? You're gonna show a 12-year-old boy how to cut off someone's leg?)
All in all, it was a grand old time. Saw some family I hadn't seen in a while, read some books, played with my new phone...
And then I came back to work. Ah, well.
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