Sunday, April 20, 2014

Now Showing: Church!

It figures that my first post in a while is going to be a rant.

Actually, not even ranty. I'm just tired. 

I'll be honest. Church has been hit-or-miss lately. Part of it was the weather over the last few months. Most of it is the depression that has once again reared its ugly head with a vengeance. 

People keep telling me that the best cure for depression is to draw closer to God. And it's true. But lately, going to church hasn't really felt like being closer to God. 

This morning church, more than ever, felt like a show. It was disappointing to say the least. 

I left a church two and a half years ago for this reason. And after months of searching, I found my current church. I was encouraged by the Truth I heard from the pastor and by the passion for missions. 

But we're missing joy. 

No one sang because no one knew the songs. Or if they were singing, you couldn't tell because all you heard was the 'worship leader.' And I use that term loosely. There were no smiles. The screens were full of graphics and flashy content that linked loosely to the sermon. 

There's a car onstage. 

The sermon, fortunately, spoke Truth. Jesus is no longer on the cross! Amen! 

But if I was distracted by the periphery, how can a newcomer hope to hear the message? 

I need to think on this further. I don't want to switch churches again. I don't think that's the answer. 

But I don't know what is. 

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