It can be quite intriguing to go back through old Facebook posts and notes to see what, if anything, has changed. I found the below list from January 2009, back when this type of thing was common on FB. I'm going to respond to some of these items now, six years later. The challenge was to write down 25 little-known things about me. My responses are below each item.
1. My list of 100 Things To Do Before I Die only has 76 things on it.
I can't honestly say I've looked at this list since 2009. So I took a quick glance at it. The # is actually 71. I crossed some new things off! But I don't really understand lists like this. I mean, yeah, there are some things I'd like to accomplish, but not much I really feel compelled to do just because everyone else has done it or says it's amazing. And how do I know what things I might want to do in the future? I might hear about something totally awesome, and if I limited myself to 100, there'd be no room for that on the list! (Just kidding, I'd totally change the name. Also, when I wrote the list, I distinctly remember putting things I had already done on it so that I could cross things off immediately and feel accomplished.)
2. My elvish name is Nessa Almateriel.
This is still true. But I also know how to write my own name in Elvish runes now.

3. My hobbit name is Ruby Toadfoot.
Also still true. Though I think the website I used to figure that out is no longer available.
4. Of the twenty-one necklaces I own, I have worn nineteen in public.
Oh, baby, I own so many more than 21 now. And a few still haven't been worn in public. (I did not take the time to count how many I own now. I'd say a rough estimate is about 50. But there's a wide margin of error.)
5. Neither Buck House, nor the White House, are anything to write home about.
Technically still true, though I've not seen them in some time. The White House just seems very dated. Buck House, which is Buckingham Palace, would probably be very charming if I actually got to see inside. As it was, I only saw the facade.
6. I am afraid of the dark.
Still sort of true. I don't like being in total darkness, but it doesn't freak me out like it used to. What bothers me most is the stillness. If I'm with someone, it's fine, but as soon as I'm on my own in the dark, I have issues. I usually build myself a cocoon and burrow down at night.
7. I have never seriously dated anyone for longer than three months.
A lot depends on how you define 'dated.' I had a long-distance relationship that could have become something and didn't (thank God), I had a stalker (well, two stalkers, actually) that I'm glad didn't become something, but the basic facts are that I have yet to be in a relationship that I would consider 'serious.'
8. I once wrote a Star Wars Extended Universe novel. It was never published.
J.J. Abrams, eat your heart out. It was a rough novel, and it wouldn't fit in the extended universe now, but at the time, I was quite proud of it. Still am, really.
9. I trust too easily.
I forget sometimes that people are evil. It's kind of a weird thing to forget, and most of the time, I really don't trust people (which isn't really a good thing either), but sometimes, I'll surprise myself.
10. The wierdest thing I have ever eaten was a worm when I was five.
I think there were some snails, too. (Give me a break! How to Eat Fried Worms was a very persuasive book.)
11. The one country I want to see more than any other is Vietnam.
Still probably true.
12. The one city I want to see more than any other is Istanbul.
Definitely true.
13. I have never finished an anti-malarial medication after leaving a country.
I have been very fortunate, as this is still true.
14. I would be very happy as a hermitess.
For a while.
15. The picture of me in my head is not the one I see when I look in the mirror.
Still very much true. I actually have a more positive image of myself in my head.
16. My hands shake when I sing in public.
I don't sing in public much anymore. I do miss it, but Babs had stage fright for 27 years, so I feel justified.
17. My favorite Power Rangers series was Lost Galaxy.
That Red Ranger!
18. I have a huge crush on Corran Horn.
He's still in my top five fictional characters. (For those of you wondering, Corran Horn is a character in the Star Wars extended universe. I was a bit of a rabid fan at one time.)
19. I hate roller coasters.
That's putting it mildly.
20. Confederate flags should not be flown over public buildings.Still true. Though my views on the Confederacy have mellowed somewhat, I still maintain that the flag (in whatever form) was a symbol of rebellion, and therefore should not be allowed to fly over government-affiliated buildings.
21. I'm afraid of eternity.
The thing most likely to send me into a panic attack. Not because I don't know where I'll be, but because it never ends. I need to stop thinking about this. (Breathe.)
22. There are 4,129 songs in my iTunes.
7,356 by my last count. So I've added 3,227 in six years. More than 500 each year. I don't know if this is impressive or disturbing. I like music, so this makes me happy.
23. I do not believe life will truly start until I am thin.
Aaaand welcome to the place it gets real. Frankly, I'm surprised I admitted this way back when. I don't talk a lot about my weight in a public forum. I'm well aware that I'm overweight. I'm aware I should probably lose weight. It's healthier. But part of the problem is #15 up there. In my head, I'm not fat. I realize it when I look in a mirror or fly on a plane or travel, but I've yet to find the motivation to do anything about it. And part of me doesn't want to, because if it's true, if life starts when I get thin, then how do I know it's real? I'm mostly talking about men, here. If I meet someone when I'm fat, I know he'll stick with me through whatever. But if I get thin and meet someone, then how do I know he'll still be around when I plump out again? But do I even want a man in the first place?
This is how my brain works.
24. I believe I will never be thin.
I don't think I'll ever get below a size 10. I 'ave beeg bonez! But again, the motivation is not there as of yet.
25. I believe life will never start.
Goodness, I was depressed back then. Seriously, I was mostly talking about the whole marriage and kids bit. Which obviously hasn't started yet. But life has started. It started 29 years ago. Obviously. I'm in it. So I need to start acting like it.
1. My list of 100 Things To Do Before I Die only has 76 things on it.
I can't honestly say I've looked at this list since 2009. So I took a quick glance at it. The # is actually 71. I crossed some new things off! But I don't really understand lists like this. I mean, yeah, there are some things I'd like to accomplish, but not much I really feel compelled to do just because everyone else has done it or says it's amazing. And how do I know what things I might want to do in the future? I might hear about something totally awesome, and if I limited myself to 100, there'd be no room for that on the list! (Just kidding, I'd totally change the name. Also, when I wrote the list, I distinctly remember putting things I had already done on it so that I could cross things off immediately and feel accomplished.)
2. My elvish name is Nessa Almateriel.
This is still true. But I also know how to write my own name in Elvish runes now.

3. My hobbit name is Ruby Toadfoot.
Also still true. Though I think the website I used to figure that out is no longer available.
4. Of the twenty-one necklaces I own, I have worn nineteen in public.
Oh, baby, I own so many more than 21 now. And a few still haven't been worn in public. (I did not take the time to count how many I own now. I'd say a rough estimate is about 50. But there's a wide margin of error.)
5. Neither Buck House, nor the White House, are anything to write home about.
Technically still true, though I've not seen them in some time. The White House just seems very dated. Buck House, which is Buckingham Palace, would probably be very charming if I actually got to see inside. As it was, I only saw the facade.
6. I am afraid of the dark.
Still sort of true. I don't like being in total darkness, but it doesn't freak me out like it used to. What bothers me most is the stillness. If I'm with someone, it's fine, but as soon as I'm on my own in the dark, I have issues. I usually build myself a cocoon and burrow down at night.
7. I have never seriously dated anyone for longer than three months.
A lot depends on how you define 'dated.' I had a long-distance relationship that could have become something and didn't (thank God), I had a stalker (well, two stalkers, actually) that I'm glad didn't become something, but the basic facts are that I have yet to be in a relationship that I would consider 'serious.'
8. I once wrote a Star Wars Extended Universe novel. It was never published.
J.J. Abrams, eat your heart out. It was a rough novel, and it wouldn't fit in the extended universe now, but at the time, I was quite proud of it. Still am, really.
9. I trust too easily.
I forget sometimes that people are evil. It's kind of a weird thing to forget, and most of the time, I really don't trust people (which isn't really a good thing either), but sometimes, I'll surprise myself.
10. The wierdest thing I have ever eaten was a worm when I was five.
I think there were some snails, too. (Give me a break! How to Eat Fried Worms was a very persuasive book.)
11. The one country I want to see more than any other is Vietnam.
Still probably true.
12. The one city I want to see more than any other is Istanbul.
Definitely true.
13. I have never finished an anti-malarial medication after leaving a country.
I have been very fortunate, as this is still true.
14. I would be very happy as a hermitess.
For a while.
15. The picture of me in my head is not the one I see when I look in the mirror.
Still very much true. I actually have a more positive image of myself in my head.
16. My hands shake when I sing in public.
I don't sing in public much anymore. I do miss it, but Babs had stage fright for 27 years, so I feel justified.
17. My favorite Power Rangers series was Lost Galaxy.
That Red Ranger!
18. I have a huge crush on Corran Horn.
He's still in my top five fictional characters. (For those of you wondering, Corran Horn is a character in the Star Wars extended universe. I was a bit of a rabid fan at one time.)
19. I hate roller coasters.
That's putting it mildly.
20. Confederate flags should not be flown over public buildings.Still true. Though my views on the Confederacy have mellowed somewhat, I still maintain that the flag (in whatever form) was a symbol of rebellion, and therefore should not be allowed to fly over government-affiliated buildings.
21. I'm afraid of eternity.
The thing most likely to send me into a panic attack. Not because I don't know where I'll be, but because it never ends. I need to stop thinking about this. (Breathe.)
22. There are 4,129 songs in my iTunes.
7,356 by my last count. So I've added 3,227 in six years. More than 500 each year. I don't know if this is impressive or disturbing. I like music, so this makes me happy.
23. I do not believe life will truly start until I am thin.
Aaaand welcome to the place it gets real. Frankly, I'm surprised I admitted this way back when. I don't talk a lot about my weight in a public forum. I'm well aware that I'm overweight. I'm aware I should probably lose weight. It's healthier. But part of the problem is #15 up there. In my head, I'm not fat. I realize it when I look in a mirror or fly on a plane or travel, but I've yet to find the motivation to do anything about it. And part of me doesn't want to, because if it's true, if life starts when I get thin, then how do I know it's real? I'm mostly talking about men, here. If I meet someone when I'm fat, I know he'll stick with me through whatever. But if I get thin and meet someone, then how do I know he'll still be around when I plump out again? But do I even want a man in the first place?
This is how my brain works.
24. I believe I will never be thin.
I don't think I'll ever get below a size 10. I 'ave beeg bonez! But again, the motivation is not there as of yet.
25. I believe life will never start.
Goodness, I was depressed back then. Seriously, I was mostly talking about the whole marriage and kids bit. Which obviously hasn't started yet. But life has started. It started 29 years ago. Obviously. I'm in it. So I need to start acting like it.
Because today, I celebrate my 29th year on this planet.
I love how real this is, Jess. Especially 15 and 23-25.
ReplyDeleteAnd if this ever WERE a forum, I could probably contribute to it.
I would happily accept your contribution.
DeleteWhere can I begin?
ReplyDeleteThis, my friend, is awesome! I love the fact that you actually went back and looked at your list ... and commented on it ... and shared your comments.