Friday, May 20, 2016

The Weekly Wrap-Up: May 16-20, 2016

Not gonna lie - I almost forgot about you lovely people today.

Fridays are always weird. Sometimes they are super productive. Sometimes it's like swimming through molasses. I'd say today has been a mix of the two.

I'm having a hard time believing we're only in the middle of May. I realize it all goes quickly from here. But seriously, longest month ever, amirite?!

This week was all about two Cs: Conference and Comps.

I emailed a guy about our photo prop on Monday because I hadn't heard anything after ordering it two weeks ago. Turns out, he sent the proof to someone else. So I approved it, and voila! It arrived in the mail today. So one down.

I also emailed some people about the flag ceremony. Well, Sarah did. She knows them better. But I officially have four flag carriers. So that's progress. I'm freaking out a little. This is the very first thing people will see. The flags always signal the start of conference. I want it to be nice. I want it to be unmemorable.

So yeah. Conference. Have I mentioned that you should totally go? You might see me face plant into the flag of East Timor.

Just kidding. We don't have work in East Timor.

So, comps. I've been preparing spreadsheets comparing English Edition 3.0 to English Edition 4.0. We get questions sometimes from translators. What have you changed? How important is it that I retranslate everything I've already translated? With these files, we can show them exactly what has changed and let them decide if they really need to do a new translation. It's interesting to remember what we've done now that we're a few months out from it.

Spreadsheets are fun. Am I a nerd for saying so? Don't care. Excel makes me happy.

Although, I am a little annoyed that we're using Excel so much for mainly text-based documents. Granted, we have a good reason. Formulas still work. But it reminds me of those nightmare days when people would give me their papers to proof with weird formatting, and it turned out they'd written them entirely in Excel.

Word exists for a reason, people.

Of course, it also drove me nuts when people would use Word instead of Publisher or InDesign. Word= not great with photos.


All right, I think I've sufficiently established my nerd cred. On to greater things.

Did I mention that Hunter Smith was here on Thursday? He and his band are leading worship for the conference (another reason you should go). I will admit, I wasn't sure of him at first. But he seems like a very genuine individual, with a great heart for God. And he knows Peyton Manning. Apropos of nothing.

I'm super distracted by the thought of what to have for dinner. I'm not sure. Thoughts?

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