Friday, July 31, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: July 27-31, 2020

Hola, amigos!

No, I haven't been working on Spanish this week. I've actually been working on publishing more English art sets, but I've been staring at the Spanish flag for a couple of hours now, so that's what you get.

Yes, I am once again covering the front desk. It's just for an afternoon, and I figured I'd get just as much work done upstairs as I normally would on a Friday afternoon. Which is to say, I read all the emails I've been skipping all week and move a bunch of files to where they are supposed to be, all with the added bonus of answering phone calls and letting people into the building. Riveting stuff, I tell you.

I don't have a lot to talk about this week. I've been having some interesting conversations outside of work about spiritual warfare and the armor of God, and I may share those thoughts with you in the future, but I need to ruminate a bit more to make sure they are coherent and factual.

Health update: no change, really, except the meds I'm taking brought a lovely cough as a side effect. This is not a good time for that particular gift. And sleep is only so-so lately. So I appreciate your prayers.

That's about it for the week. I feel like I've been very terse lately. We're all just stuck in this holding pattern, and I feel like I'm running out of gas. I pray you are holding up better than I.


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