Friday, August 24, 2012

Secrets and Ninjas

Way back when, I mentioned a super secret article I was writing.

Before I get to that, though, I have to explain the ninja thing.

I've decided to become one.

Why? Because they are awesome. And they carry things like this:

But mostly because James has stolen the office I used for prayer letters, so I have to sneak past him to get to my printer. 

(Do you see the ninjas?)

Anyway, he didn't really steal it. It's quieter over there.

As for the other thing. The super secret thing. 

If you ignore the mess behind me, you'll notice that I GOT PUBLISHED.

Not by OMS, either. Though they rock.

Nope, that's my article (unfortunately not my photo) in The Connection, the official publication of the Evangelical Methodist Church. What did I write about? OMS work in Myanmar.

This article took ten years off my life.

But it looks cool!


  1. Much awesomeness abounds here!

  2. How did I miss this one? Oh yeah internet was down :(

    BUT WAHOO!!! for you! So wish I was there to celebrate with you!
