I do hope you catch the reference. Don't bother watching the show, of course, because it's actually terrible minus a few clever phrases here and there.
But that's neither here nor there. Point is, I've been gone a couple weeks. In fact, this time last week (as of writing this), I was riding the sweet wave of anesthetic and pain killers. That stuff is gnarly, dude. Not a care in the world, seriously.
So yes, surgery last week went well. I was pretty useless the rest of Friday, most of Saturday, and I did way too much on Sunday, so I took a half day on Monday. I probably could have gotten away with taking another day, to be honest, but that's just not how I roll. Besides, most of my job is sitting, so it's very low impact.
Also, most of my Monday was actually spent doing various updates to my computer. Do you guys put those off as much as I do? Like, one pops up, and I just start getting annoyed. What? Again?! I just did this six months ago! (Unless you have Telegram, then it's every two days. Sometimes twice a day.) It's a pain. But it's important, so I tend to bunch them all up at once. And I work with a lot of important files, so it's not just updating. No, you have to back everything up first. That way, if the update screws up your computer, you have all of your files still. I'm great at this on my work computer. Not so great at home. Of course, my home computer is 8 years old and has 32 Safari tabs open. If I update something, there's no guarantee that baby is booting back up again. (I need a new computer, guys. I've been doing my research, but I'm picky. And poor.)
Anyway, I got all the updates and backups done in time to start the final proof phase of Hindi group 2. We're nearly ready to publish! I used to be more excited about publishing, because it meant that I never had to look at those particular files again. Except when you do, as was the case with Estonian. We had published group 1, but I guess the language changed since then? I don't know. I should be nicer about it, except I had to manually make the changes since it was fiddly, and you all know how much I love fiddly bits.
But my frustration was offset by one of my favorite days at OMS. Tuesday was spiritual warfare day. And you know what that means?
Yeah, buddy.
I do so enjoy showing off my collection. And it's more than just appreciating the oohs and aahs of the crowd. It's an effective object lesson about keeping yourself armed against the devil.
Finally, I just started working on new proof files from French. I don't usually do three languages in a week, but I guess everyone just wanted me to feel really special. I certainly feel like I'm back in the groove of things.
Guys, August starts next week. I'm not sure how that's possible. Kids went back to school this week.
I bought Christmas presents this week.
Someone slow this bus down, yeah?
(I still owe you a conference post. I'm working on it. Really.)
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