Friday, March 20, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: March 16-20, 2020

Here's the deal: I'm staying pretty quiet about this whole thing. Why? Because I'm in just about the best position I can think of to weather this out (aside from being an independently wealthy reclusive author who lives in the woods). I have plenty of food. Plenty of toilet paper. I still have a job, and people are still depositing money into my support account. I have an apartment, where I live on my own, and I have a two minute walk to my office, where again, I am almost entirely on my own. I'm an introvert, so that doesn't bother me. Even if it did, I have access to the Internet, wherein there are millions of people who I could, if I chose, interact with. Mostly I don't, because people be crazy right now. And that's okay. There's a lot to be anxious about. But I'm mostly not. Because I also have a God who loves me and whom I love and trust to get me through this, whatever that ends up looking like. I do worry for my family and for friends who aren't in nearly as good a position as I am. I worry about what the future might look like. But I don't dwell on it. I do my part, and as for the rest, I have zero control over it.

It actually reminds me of this wall hanging my dad got from someone in Jamaica on one of our trips there. It says something like this:

You only have two things to worry about: either you are well, or you are sick.
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about.
If you are sick, there are only two things to worry about: either you get better, or you die.
If you get better, there is nothing to worry about.
If you die, there are only two things to worry about: either you go to Heaven, or you go to Hell.
If you go to Heaven, there is nothing to worry about.
If you go to Hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with all of your friends that there won't be time to worry!

Helpful? Unlikely. But it makes me laugh, and that's really all I'm going for right now.

So, on to actual work stuff. All week, it's just been Sarah and me in the ECC hallway, and today I'm on my own. It's kind of up to everyone where they want to work, unless they've been traveling, so most people are staying home. There's really no point in me staying home (no Internet) so I trudge over to the office every morning and pretty much do what I've always done - sit in my office working on booklets and listening to music or podcasts.

MIZO CHIN IS PUBLISHED!!!!! Sorry for yelling at you, but I'm really glad this project is finally done. Well, mostly. We still have to do the two new booklets, but that's easily done. We didn't want to send those to them until everything else was done. No distractions. But now the people of Myanmar (at least those who speak the Mizo Chin dialect) will be able to use T&M for evangelism and discipleship. And since Hakha Chin is also done, they can coordinate their efforts more easily.

Now, we're back to publishing English art sets. That should hopefully go pretty fast since I speak the language. ;)

Hey, seriously though, be safe out there. Take care of yourselves and each other, from a safe distance of course. If we're going to spread something, it should be the love of Jesus.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! My grandad had that same "Why Worry" little ditty on a plaque or a plate or a newspaper clipping! It was a family favorite! Thanks for a fun flashback!
