Weird, right?
Anyway, the NEW YEAR IS HERE!!! Very strange. I wonder how long it will take me to start writing 2012 instead of 2011...
Christmas was lovely. It was a peculiar feeling to actually have Christmas on a Sunday this year. Kinda threw me off, though I'm not sure why. I'll have to post some pics from Christmas later. But first -
You thought I forgot about my photo project, didn't you? Wrong! I took this on January 1 at my sister's house in Michigan. It took me 12 tries to get the setting right. I think it captures some of the New Year festivities.
This is the photo for January 2. Can you guess what it is?
I haven't made any resolutions this year other than to not drive anywhere until Spring. I drove back to Greenwood today in less than stellar conditions, and that was after I slipped and fell this morning. My knee and ankle have been steadily swelling. Ugh... But I won't let it get me down! This year may not have had the greatest start, but I refuse to let that set the tone for the next 364 days. (It's a Leap Year.)
You'll be seeing some changes around here. If you have any suggestions for new features or topics of discussion, please let me know.
Happy New Year!
Love the first two photos of 2012! January 2 looks to be a very odd angle of a Christmas tree...?