Okay, here's the deal.
Constantinople is my city. It was one of my primary research fields when I was in college, first when I took a class on Venice (because of the Fourth Crusade) and continuing when I took a class on Eastern Orthodox Christianity and then even more when I wrote a screenplay about Richard III and Saladin (which I still have and which is available anytime you'd like to read it and promote it to your agent friends).
I love Constantinople.
And yes, I'm fully aware that Constantinople is now Istanbul, and I know that Istanbul is in Turkey, and I know that until a few months ago, I had slightly less than zero chance of getting there.
But now I have a chance.
Global Ministries, my other peeps, is sponsoring a trip to Turkey. The purpose of the trip is two-fold: first, to see the seven churches and travel with Paul in spirit; second, to explore the possibilities for ministry.
I want to go.
Words cannot express how much I want to go.
But there's a problem.
The trip cost is $3500 from JFK to Istanbul and back - including in-country costs minus a few lunches. And since this isn't explicitly related to my own ministry, I wouldn't use my support account to pay for it. Thus, it behooves me to appeal to you, my beloved and faithful readers.
I don't know how I'm going to do this, yet. I looked into Kickstarter, but they don't really support fundraising like this. But somehow, I will be raising funds to go on this trip.
You know how much this trip would mean to me?

That's right.
The world.
If I ever get back into history research, this trip would provide prime resource materials. As I explore the possibilities of Muslim ministry, this trip would be a valuable touch point. And there's nothing like reading the Bible and knowing that you've actually been to the places they mention.
So I'm asking. I'm asking for ideas, I'm asking for help - I'm appealing to the part of each and every one of you that remembers that one dream that you were able to achieve, that one moment that changed your life forever.
This is my moment.
EDIT: Okay, I've added a donation widget over on the right. I made it an even $4000 so I can pay for travel to JFK. Join the revolution!
Also, if you would like your donation to be tax deductible, send a check to:
Global Ministries
302 Lake St.
Huntington, IN 46750
Make sure you put "Jessica Hollopeter - Turkey" in the memo line.
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