Before we get into the depressing stuff, though, I have photos!
Some of you might quibble over the fact that I definitely didn't take pictures on a few days (for very good reasons), but I've decided that as long as I get 366 awesome photos taken in 2012, it doesn't matter the day. But I am still carrying around my camera every day, so we'll call it fair.
I like the sky. I like it during the day, I like it at night - I just like looking at it and imagining more. Sometimes it's a lot like I imagine Heaven to be. Sometimes it's more like Hell. But it's always changing, always new. Plus, I imagine guys like Jim Lovell looked up at a sky like this when they were kids and said, "I'm going to be up there one day."
This one needs a little explanation. Lori has a plant in her office that keeps trying to escape, so we named it Audrey (from Little Shop of Horrors), and it's a lot of fun to play with.
(I feel the need to clarify that what I deem awesome and what others deem awesome may, in fact, be two different things.)
Case in point. This is a tribal mask from Sierra Leone that somehow ended up in our office. It's kind of our unofficial mascot now. Sure, it's a little creepy. But that's half the fun!
Sarah was so gracious to model these fantastic earrings from Asia. (They're not earrings. Not even close.)
Like I said, I love the sky. I caught this one night leaving work.
Okay, this is blatant cheating. I know that. You know that. We're all agreed. So let's move on. I just couldn't decide which one I liked better!
We'll stop there for now. So back to my woeful beginning.
The office was crazy last week. It's carried over today somewhat, but slowed down enough for me to write this post. You know all those things you can't be bothered to start before Christmas? You tell yourself there will be plenty of time after the New Year. Except suddenly, everyone remembers that they needed those things last year and you're left scrambling.
Yeah. That was last week.
So you can imagine how grateful I was to get to Friday night and attend the Craft Night we've started having at OMS. It's a fun time of food and fellowship and crafting, and it's pretty relaxing. I even made dinner this time. (It's okay to be shocked by that. I'm well aware of my shortcomings in the kitchen.)
We had a great time.
There were lots of people, and everyone liked my food, and people were learning new crafts or finishing up projects. It was great!
So imagine my surprise when I awoke suddenly early Saturday morning and proceeded to lose (violently) everything I had eaten so far this year. (Sorry.)
Yeah, I got sick, and not my usual brand, either. It was pretty bad. I'm pretty pathetic when I'm sick, too, so it was a whole weekend of me feeling sorry for myself but hurting too much to do more than sob miserably and occasionally text people to let them know I was still alive.
It also meant missing two extremely important things on Saturday - things that involved actually getting out of my apartment and seeing people, something I did far too little of in 2011 and something I promised to change in 2012.
Plus, I did way too much yesterday because I was feeling marginally better and needed to clean my apartment, so this morning, I feel pretty far from awesome still.
All of which was topped off by tripping and falling this morning for the third time this year. I don't know how my wrist is still unbroken. (Not sure it is, actually, but I don't hold with Doctors, you know.)
"Wait a minute, Jessica," you say. "How are you writing this with a bum wrist?"
Very. Very. Carefully.
So yeah. That's 2012 for me thus far. Nine days in, and I'm already ready for the next one. I don't even want to think about my birthday. (One week from today!)
At this rate, who knows if I'll still be breathing by then....
(You know where all this is coming from, right? Good. Me, too. Makes me really curious why he's so concerned about throwing me off my game this early in the year. Had I a lesser Being in my corner, I might be concerned. Pfftt...)
Boo... You are right- you must be a threat! Can't wait to see what good things are in store for your year, once this yuck is out of the way. And looking forward to re-scheduling our time, dearie :) Hope you are resting!!!