Friday, January 31, 2020

The Weekly Wrap-Up: January 27-31, 2020

'alo, mes amis!

I'm not actually doing French, but I don't know how to say 'hi' in Mizo Chin, so you get what you get.

So, yes, I published group 1 of Mizo Chin. That means a final look (during which I did have to change some things), splitting booklets 2 and 7, and alphabetizing the SAG subject menu. All necessary things, but all quite tedious. Though it is interesting to see the similarities between the Chin dialects since I also did the publishing for Hakha Chin. I imagine it's quite like speaking Spanish and hearing Portuguese.

Anyway, fortunately, I had a few other things on my mind, such as another new booklet to look at (though all I've done is glance through at this point) and a debate on the nomenclature of groups vs volumes. Fascinating stuff, let me tell you.

Otherwise, I've been fairly focused on health stuff. I'm doing a heart monitor test this week, which is itchy. Plus, I'm changing my meds again due, as always, to side effects. My body just doesn't like drugs.

It's been pretty quiet in the office. We decorated Sarah's cubicle for when she gets back, so she should see that on Monday. It is truly a feast for the eyes.

That's all I've got. Sorry it's so short this week. There isn't much to report when you're on a single project like this.


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